Sunday, March 30, 2014


We all know that social media is a great tool to emphasize or capitalize your business as well as gaining popularity and notoriety. We are now seeing businesses being created, and ran successfully on social media alone. On the flip side we are now seeing start-ups, such as consulting firms from people that can’t even navigate through a novice puzzle. And here in Baltimore you see an enormous amount of boutiques, barber shops, and beauty salons all starting from scratch. Then you have these so called “prominent” business persons that can’t even read a basic contract. My question is, whats's real? Is there a reason we see more self owned businesses than we do large corporations, such as banks in our community? This is my 2 cents on some of the businesses that Baltimore has to offer.

When does being competitive as a business owner go too far? Are the businesses and business owners in Baltimore really about helping the community? Who is the biggest and best in our town? Baltimore has excellent entrepreneurs, authors, and persons that are using their ideas and gifts to run successful businesses. Lets highlight a few.

There are some businesses that are praised for their high quality of product and service, like the very famous “Salon Celebuton”. Women actually feel the need to dress like they are attending a fashion show or gala, just to get there hair done. When you visit Salon Celebuton, being on point is a must! But I must ask, Is that too much? I mean, other business like the new Salon 1000 or better known as April-Divah Styles, who some say that her business can compare to any place, anywhere. The consumer is also not faced with so much pressure to look the part when for a run to the salon. I would like to point out that these are two successful business women, that share an industry and could potentially target the same customer. But what makes the average female from Baltimore choose one over the other? Its obviously a matter of preference, or is it solely location? A lot of people in general says that location has to do with everything! (So cliché I might add). 

Its not about competition some say, but about talent, skill and passion. We all know that to dedicate your time to perfect your craft takes some level of passion, right? But is that passion fueled by the all mighty dollar? Or is it to build and uplift the community. Or on the contrary, is it enough that because of the passion that these two boss ladies possess, that they show the reality of what following your dreams and staying consistent can do for you? They have truly earned the right to, “Do what you love”. 

As a consumer, I have personally over heard opinions, and have seen some nasty attitudes of a lot of so called “bosses" that are obviously only about the monetary gain. When your patronizing a local business here in Baltimore, you can sense right away if the owner is all about the money. Some say its a matter of jealousy and envy when people share stories of their experiences but I beg to differ. Admittedly there are some people that make comments or bash because they just want to get in anyway they can to be an apart of something because of what they lack in real life.

Baltimore has so many businesses that are in war over who is talking down on who, when in reality those same businesses should be focused on the consumer. A lot of people are following and watching and I must say Baltimore is the new start for a lot of people in business. The number or authors in the city is at an all time high. People tell their stories of survival and success, but no one really knows the struggle. Ms Reed a well known author has expressed her love for people to feel beautiful. Her book as well as her makeup bar in Baltimore County has gained national attention. On the other hand we know of other artist like “Jaya” her work is known internationally but she relates to people in other ways. Most people like “Hairdarah” or Ms Divah style makeup artist “Ms. Kendal Green are so talented. Hairdarah is known for edgy hair with a careful flow. Ms. Green just launched her makeup line but doesn’t have 20,000 followers but is so talented to say the least. These ladies can rock with the best and are not recognized enough.

Young women and men are hungry for knowledge but in what way? Seeing a person who you think is a mentor drive the latest “whip”, but lack education like a simple diploma in some instances reflects living to some. Their and there are consistently used in an improper way, when people write sentences. Who really cares about grammar, when it appears that only seeing your net worth impresses the masses? The people or persons that some look up to “looks the part” but internally they are falling apart.

Look at a person’s heart condition before you sit in their company or do business with them, (and I am not speaking medically). Instead of knowing “Who’s Who” first figure out “Who are YOU?” Stay focused, work hard and strive for nothing but the best. Feel  Free to comment below.

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