Tuesday, April 1, 2014


There are so many people within the United States of America that are deemed as different because of diagnosis. Some of these diagnosis can include emotional, mental, or physical disabilities. Are they different? Do they need special treatment or help? The answer is they need love and support just as everyone else. Being diagnosed with a disability is NOT a DISEASE it is not contagious it doesn't  prevent a person from being just as successful, smart, or able bodied as the next person. Being aware and educated is one of the best things a person can do when it comes to Autism or other diagnosis. Educate yourself. Understand that people with Autism are still people, still human beings they should not be treated as if they are handicap or different in any bad way. Autism speaks volumes please listen. Understand what it is what it does how it makes a person react. Love a person especially hard, work with them to understand them totally before you judge or dismiss them if they have been diagnosed with anything especially Autism. Be aware. Stay aware. Do Autism awareness.

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