Monday, April 7, 2014


The woman has always been deemed to be a soft creature, a delicate flower, a mother, a wife and a pretty home maker in some instances. Women have always said they are smart, they wanted equal rights and they can accomplish and do they same thing men can do and better. What happens when the woman becomes the sole bread winner? Is she being in a position of power or just being used? Let's go over this topic and see what's really the deal. A lot of men have seemed to switch roles in today's society they are being less sufficient while their women are doing all of the work! Are men comfortable living like this? Is this even fair to a woman? If you want equal rights then let's live equal too. Some women stand their ground when they say they refuse to take care of a man totally. Buying his clothes, food, paying all the bills, while he chills is a big NO. Some women feel that hey he held me down when things were ruff now it's my turn. Is is really or are you being a fool? A man In today's society should be labeled as a strong individual, a hiding place, a shield the person that takes care of his family not rely on his woman for his next meal. Some say it's really nothing wrong with this because some men are better support systems and that they prefer working while their men stay home. Is this a control measure just to keep tabs on your man 24-7 or for you to stay in control. A man that doesn't work doesn't eat and if your not working that hand that is feeding you you can not bite so cliche but so true. I think control is the main factor in this entire system. Why not be supportive of your man being a man. Treating and spoiling another human being is totally okay, but when it comes to the point that it removes responsibility it then becomes a crutch. Men should be willing to take responsibility for their families even if their woman insist on taking care of them. It should be something inside of a man that says I can not let her work her fingers to the bone without contributing, because it's weak, very disturbing, and unethical to some. Remember every family has a different situation what works for some May not work for everyone yes we do need to respect everyone decision on the way they decide to live but accepting it does not have to be what is granted by everyone.

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